Annual Report artsnb 2022-2023
As part of the design project for the Annual Report of the New Brunswick Arts Council for the year 2022-2023, the main objective was clearly defined: to create an attractive layout while preserving readability. Key elements of the mandate included featuring a provided photo of a dress on the cover and balanced integration of other images throughout the report to visually enrich each section and illustrate achievements.
Result: The result successfully met the requirements of the mandate, creating a visually stimulating, informative Annual Report that aesthetically aligns with the values and identity of the New Brunswick Arts Council.
A sophisticated color palette has been developed, in perfect harmony with the organization’s pre-existing aesthetic. The layout was carefully designed to guarantee optimal readability. This includes a spacious design, thoughtfully selected typography, and size, as well as a clear organization of content.
A subtle balance was achieved between a professional design, reflecting the relevance and substance of the report’s content, and an artistic approach aiming to evoke a more pronounced visual engagement.