Norelice Design

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Indigenous Peoples Survey

Creation of the Support Kit dedicated to partners of the Indigenous Peoples Survey (IPS) 2022, a national initiative engaging members of First Nations people living off reserve, Métis and Inuit. The design of these kits extended to French, English, and two other Indigenous languages (Inuinnaqtun and Inuktitut), thus providing cultural and linguistic accessibility. My mandate was to create the visual identity of IPS as well as a comprehensive kit including a poster, brochure, social media content, and other elements. Each element had to be adapted in different languages to ensure inclusive communication.

Result: The IPS 2022 Support Kit stands out with its captivating visual design, infused with respect for Indigenous culture. The visual identity includes a header reminiscent of the Northern Lights, adorned with dot patterns reminiscent of Indigenous art.

Development of IPS Visual Identity and a Toolkit including Poster, Handouts, Social Media Content, etc.