Logo for the 50th Anniversary of fjcf
The mission was to create a logo celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne-française (FJCF), founded in 1974 in Moncton, New Brunswick. The FJCF coordinates activities and initiatives in collaboration with its associative members from nine provinces and two territories, addressing the needs of French-speaking youth in minority situations in Canada. The festivities took place in 2023-2024.
The mandate was to design a logo seamlessly integrating the 50th anniversary with the existing FJCF logo while retaining the yellow and black colors of the FJCF.
The result is a festive and commemorative logo that fits perfectly into the visual identity of the FJCF. It celebrates 50 years of commitment and support to French-speaking youth while maintaining the visual consistency that strengthens the FJCF’s brand.