Visuals for the Forum Jeunesse Pancanadien (FJP) 2022
The Pan-Canadian Youth Forum (PCYF) brings together over a hundred Francophone youth from across Canada every year to discuss issues that concern them and explore concrete solutions. For the 2022 edition, held in Ottawa, the theme was: “Post-pandemic: Reimagining Canada By and For Youth.”
The visuals designed for the Pan-Canadian Youth Forum 2022 perfectly capture the essence of the event by combining symbolism and encouragement to take action. They effectively catch the attention of the target audience. For the event visuals, I favored a symbolic and evocative approach. For instance, I chose to integrate an illustration of the Parliament in Ottawa to visually anchor the event in the host city. Additionally, I included a hand holding a map, a symbol inviting action and participation, thus encouraging young people to actively engage in the Forum.